Tuesday, May 30, 2023







Maturity is the ability to stand, hold and handle the tensions of the opposites we face in life. The immature people face a chaotic life experiencing tension, fragmentation, and a split self. A person may be feeling a need to protect his/her side as real and eventually fight hard to defend and protect that side. Wars and religions are proof of such one sidedness.

As a gestalt therapist, I am constantly impressed about the way the polarity process evolves and creates both chaos and opportunities to grow. The ability to hold the tension of the opposites is a gift that the human soul has and must create new outcomes, new solutions and creative ways to manage the paths in life. Therefore, the burden to change and shift oneself and enable others to do so falls on the human soul – awakening awareness.

As each human being learns to hold the tension of the many heavy burdens in our culture splits today (climate crisis, pandemics, political spits) creative ways of developing new solutions by the creative imagination that is always present in the deep unconscious. Here is a description of what I call “Mystical Polarities“ because these forces are available for us and help us to develop new solutions in the world.




Mystical polarities refer to the concept of opposing or complementary forces or principles that are often associated with spiritual or mystical experiences and traditions. These polarities are believed to exist within and interact with the realm of the divine or the transcendent. Here are a few examples of mystical polarities:

Light and Darkness: This polarity represents the contrast between illumination and obscurity, symbolizing spiritual enlightenment and ignorance. Light often represents divine wisdom, clarity, and truth, while darkness can signify the unknown, mystery, or the absence of divine knowledge.

Masculine and Feminine: Mystical traditions often incorporate the concept of masculine and feminine energies, sometimes referred to as the anima and animus. These polarities represent complementary forces that exist within individuals and the universe, such as active and passive, assertive and receptive, or rational and intuitive aspects of being.

Unity and Multiplicity: Mystical polarities also explore the relationship between the one and the many. Unity refers to the concept of oneness, interconnectedness, or the divine essence that permeates all existence. Multiplicity, on the other hand, acknowledges the diverse manifestations and expressions of the divine within the physical world.

Transcendence and Immanence: This polarity reflects the balance between the transcendent and immanent aspects of the divine. Transcendence refers to a state or reality beyond the material world, while immanence emphasizes the divine presence within the created world and human experience.

Mystical polarities are often seen as complementary and interdependent, representing different facets of a unified whole. The exploration and integration of these polarities are believed to lead to spiritual growth, self-realization, and a deeper understanding of the nature of existence.



One of the most important tensions for everyone is the so-called complex FATE AND DESTINY. Fate is described as all the tensions we have within ourselves, and Destiny is the call to awareness and to be fully oneself as a unified individual. It is the path of individuation and completing the journey we were destined to complete. Some believe that fate is a pre-determined text from birth to death, yet, what is encoded in each person is like a story where life is moving like a river, it just flows and flows until it meets the great sea.

Attempting to avoid or disregard Faith, not only removes the potential of Destiny but also makes our lives a rigid and constricted self. Destiny involves the process of being our true Self from within. Destiny is a gift born with each soul bringing insights intended to serve the world. And Fare limits us to a structure and purpose that is not part of the genius of creativity and innovation.

Are you developing your talents and using them freely or do you feel they are not useful in the service of healing the world?  Because at this time, a great weight is surrounding the Earth and its inhabitants. One of the few ways of shifting the global darkness and the great weight, would involve facing our Destiny that gives us the natural talents to bring about  healing to both Natura and Culture.