Tuesday, January 31, 2023





Dear Reader,

 Toddy I am reflecting  on the feeling how the time passes. It is a feeling as if the river of life is flowing into the eternal sea that is the container of all lives, past, present, and future.

Yet, the idea of time is simply a construction of our mind that has given us a watch - to “keep time”.

Our brain is the amazing bio-computer that formulates, drives, and organises our so called “FLOW”.

I am now nearing that imaginary border between the river and the sea. Where Time meets the eternal, a deep field that is eternity. It is the final journey of one that is called: ME – body, Mind and Soul. But I ask myself now WHO AM I? This question, although simple, is still active and interesting spanning over many years of reflection. The search for the answer is a subtle process that the ancient Tibetan sages and masters have spent meditating on for some thousands of years. They have discovered that the end of Life on Earth is a journey from one dimension to another. The first stage is dying and moving to the second “Bardo”, it is an intermediate, liminal stage our soul passes through in order to be reborn. This process takes several stages called “Bardo Yoga”.

The second stage after death of our body, we enter a space where all our life memories come up and it is like a review of our Karma or destiny that we have experienced. By cleaning our Karma, we move to the third stage and that is an illumination (pure light) that leads to the final stage and here we can choose: to move to eternal liberation or rebirth.

The Tibetan “bardo” stages indicate that choice of eternal liberation or rebirth is a choice that depends on our Karma. How do we ‘clen’ our Karma? One answer may be that the “karmic dust” is cleaned when we see all our bad and good things we have done while living your life on the Earth stage. Another answer could be the duality principle when we are in relationship with ‘another’.

All Nature is divided into pairs of opposites that create connections that are both difficult and loving. For example, male and female energies are manifested that help or hinder our Karmic ‘dust’ from cleansing.

From the time of our birth, we meet ‘the other ‘and that meeting is a sudden experience of wellbeing called LOVE. Again, we may ask where is this feeling coming from? But the reasons do not matter as we are happy and well. As we grow up, this addiction to the loved one is shifted from mother to others as we seek this healing contact. Yet, being ‘in Love’ is a trap. We find ourselves in a wonderful tarp that eventually self-destructs. We are in SHOCK! There is a feeling of loss and despair: “I lost him/her forever” and “I thought it will be love forever”!  This love relationship becomes a tragedy when we become ATTACHED! We are attached to the image of mother and/or father and we get trapped in the image of our childhood.

Then starts the FEAR. ”He/she may die and I will be lost forever. To keep the image, we may become angry, jealous, possessive and even violent. So, the ‘vehicle’ that brings us to love is damaged and our addiction makes our Karma very “dirty”.

As an old master said: “To enter the valley of Love, we must plunge into the fire, then we must become fire itself, otherwise we cannot live there”

When we truly Love, we must transcend fire as the flame of passion is burning at all times and the problem is ATTACHMENT! We need to feed the flame of Love with a certain oil to be able to live. Standing with feet well planted we can take the flame of love without being totally burnt. Yet, this passion is so addictive that we want more and more of this heat because the mind has received this heat from the boundless energy of the Universe, and we ended up in a ‘prison’ room and we feel that the key to that room is in the hands of the other. If we are in this room with our lover, we must practice moving in and out of the room an move from “I love you” to “we are love together”. And suddenly that needs, and desperations start to dissolve and all our inner aggression and addiction starts to disappear. Berceuse the quality of Love has no time, no space, was never born and does not die.

Here and now, I recognise and am grateful to the great teaching masters, and particularly BABA RAM DASS who inspired me over the holidays to reflect about the importance of letting go, to detach from anything that we are addicted to, like our family members, our friends and possessions and even our own body. Buddha said that life is a preparation for a peaceful death.

When we practice detachment, we go through the process of ‘finishing our unfinished business’ as the gestalt teachers stated. This is a form of clearing our Karma and enable our inner ‘dust’ to disappear and take us to the liberation BARDO as our best reward.