Wednesday, June 26, 2024




 Dear reader,

In this July section of my blog - reflections Yaro, I am inspired by the word IMAGINATION. We all think that this word if worth knowing (the meaning) but few people really know about this amazing principle. So I am quoting,below, my Mentor Michael Meade and offer to all readers his wissdom and his mythology. So, reflect now - WHAT IS IMAGINATION?

Imagination is an essential component of human existence, a driving force behind creativity, innovation, and progress. In our modern culture, where technology and information dominate, the need for imagination has never been more critical. It is imagination that allows us to envision a future that transcends current limitations, fosters empathy and understanding, and nurtures the creative problem-solving necessary to address the complex challenges of our time.

At its core, imagination is the ability to form new ideas, images, or concepts not present to the senses. It enables individuals to visualize possibilities beyond the immediate reality, to dream, and to innovate. In the fast-paced, ever-evolving landscape of modern society, this capacity is indispensable. The rapid advancement of technology, while beneficial, also brings about new challenges and uncertainties. To navigate this dynamic environment, we must harness the power of imagination to foresee potential outcomes, anticipate needs, and devise innovative solutions.

One of the most apparent areas where imagination is crucial is in the field of technology. The digital age is characterized by constant technological innovation, from artificial intelligence and machine learning to virtual reality and biotechnology. These advancements stem from the imaginative minds of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs who envision new ways to solve problems and improve lives. For instance, the creation of the internet, smartphones, and social media platforms all began as imaginative ideas that revolutionized the way we communicate and access information.

Moreover, imagination is not only pivotal in creating new technologies but also in ensuring they are used ethically and responsibly. As we develop increasingly powerful tools, we must consider their potential impacts on society, privacy, and the environment. Imagination allows us to foresee possible consequences and devise frameworks for ethical use, ensuring that technological progress benefits humanity.

In addition to technology, imagination plays a significant role in the arts and culture. Art, literature, music, and film are all products of imaginative thought, reflecting and shaping the human experience. These creative expressions offer more than just entertainment; they provide insights into the human condition, foster empathy, and encourage critical thinking. In a world where we are often bombarded with information, the arts offer a necessary respite, a chance to reflect, and an opportunity to explore different perspectives.

The importance of imagination in education cannot be overstated. Traditional education systems often emphasize rote learning and standardized testing, which can stifle creativity and limit imaginative thinking. However, fostering imagination in students is essential for developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and emotional intelligence. By encouraging curiosity and creative exploration, educators can cultivate a generation of innovative thinkers capable of addressing the multifaceted problems of the future.

Imagination is also vital in the realm of social progress and human rights. Many of the advancements in civil rights, gender equality, and environmental sustainability have been driven by individuals and movements that dared to imagine a better world. Visionaries like Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and Greta Thunberg have inspired change by articulating powerful, imaginative visions of justice, equality, and sustainability. These leaders demonstrate that imagination is not just a tool for personal growth but a catalyst for collective action and societal transformation.

In the business world, imagination fuels entrepreneurship and economic growth. Successful entrepreneurs often possess a unique ability to envision new products, services, and business models that meet emerging needs and desires. Companies like Apple, Google, and Tesla were built on the imaginative ideas of their founders, who dared to think differently and challenge the status quo. In a competitive global market, the ability to innovate and adapt is crucial for long-term success, making imagination an invaluable asset for businesses and economies.

Furthermore, imagination enhances our ability to connect with others on a deeper level. By imagining ourselves in someone else’s shoes, we can develop empathy and understanding, which are essential for building meaningful relationships and fostering a sense of community. In a world that is increasingly interconnected yet often divided, the ability to empathize with others and appreciate diverse perspectives is more important than ever. Imagination allows us to bridge gaps, overcome prejudices, and work collaboratively towards common goals.

Environmental sustainability is another critical area where imagination is needed. The pressing challenges of climate change, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss require innovative solutions that rethink our relationship with the planet. Imaginative thinking can lead to the development of sustainable technologies, green energy sources, and conservation strategies that mitigate environmental impact and promote a harmonious coexistence with nature. By imagining a sustainable future, we can inspire action and create a path towards environmental resilience.

In addition, imagination is a vital component of modern culture, underpinning creativity, innovation, and progress across various domains. It empowers us to envision and create a better future, navigate technological advancements ethically, enrich our cultural and artistic expressions, foster empathy and understanding, drive social and economic progress, and address environmental challenges. As we continue to navigate the complexities of the modern world, nurturing and harnessing the power of imagination will be essential for building a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous society. Imagination is not a luxury but a necessity, a fundamental human trait that enables us to transcend our current limitations and reach for a brighter, more hopeful future. Michael Meade, my mentor wrote an article about imagination that I am quoting here:


“ It is the ancient idea that nothing exists until it passes through imagination. Imagination is not simply a subjective inner capacity; rather, it is a genuine force of life. In this old way of seeing, the increase of conflicts and intensification of hate in the world can be seen as a loss of soul and a lack of genuine imagination.

At a time when modern cultures can be seen to be unraveling and the sense of the shared suffering of humanity so quickly turns into hatred for whoever can be deemed as the “other,” genuine imagination is not just increasingly important, but can be seen as the redeeming factor for both the individual human soul and for human culture as a totality.

Although viewing life in literal terms has become a habit for many, it ultimately gives us a false sense of security and keeps us blind to the knowledge we most need when the world around us keeps changing. In the ancient world, myth could mean emergent truth, and mythic imagination was understood to be the primary way in which the human mind and the human heart could connect or reconnect to the universal truths underlying all of reality.

Lacking a renewed sense of genuine imagination, the modern world will continue to divide and fall apart. For what is missing in most cases is not simply a lack of the resources needed to change things, but a tragic lack of the imagination required to awaken to a greater, more inclusive visions of reality. For, it is the intermediating function of imagination that makes it possible to unite otherwise opposing states, such as the objective and the subjective, religion and science, or any pair of antithetical ideologies.

Imagination has always been the unifying force in the human psyche, the inherent function that precedes thought, but also follows the body's inner ways of knowing and being. Imagination is the key that opens us to all that is immeasurable, creative, and healing in life. For that reason, imagination has been called the deepest power of the human psyche.

The power of imagination, which is part of the natural inheritance of each soul, has surprising and indelible capacities for creativity and renewal. By the virtue of imagination, we see with penetrating insights and creative vision, not the delusions of fantasy, but the surprise of revelation. The point is to allow the immediate powers of myth and imagination to give us a poetic grasp of our own lives and the events of the world. Without such a mythic sense, the world becomes increasingly divided, and we can become overwhelmed by conflicts both inner and outer. As the collective sense of unity collapses, the uniqueness within each person's soul becomes the essential source of the unifying imagination needed to sustain and renew life.”



Let us be creative!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024




Dear reader,

This June blog is a reflection about Emotions and especially FEAR. Many authors today speak and write about the extremely complex events and crisis that are spreading all over the world with little end in sight. War in Ukraine, Israel and Palestine, African governments and even a place like Haiti are experiencing fear and death and annihilation. 

My reflections for June.

In today's rapidly evolving world, a pervasive sense of social fear is gripping many individuals and communities. This fear is fuelled by a multitude of factors, including economic uncertainty, political instability, climate change, and the relentless stream of information and misinformation on social media. The ubiquitous nature of these stressors has heightened collective anxiety, making fear a dominant force in our daily lives. This fear manifests in strong emotions such as anger, sadness, and helplessness, which can significantly impact our mental health and social interactions. The emotional intensity of fear can drive people to seek out security and certainty, sometimes leading to divisive and reactionary behaviours.

Managing these strong emotions requires a multifaceted approach. First, awareness and acknowledgment of our fears are crucial steps in mitigating their impact. By recognizing what we are afraid of, we can begin to address the root causes rather than simply reacting to the symptoms. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, can help in regulating emotional responses and reducing stress. Additionally, fostering open communication and building supportive communities can provide a buffer against the isolating effects of fear. It is also important to critically evaluate the information we consume, prioritizing credible sources and avoiding sensationalist content that amplifies fear. By adopting these strategies, we can cultivate resilience and maintain a balanced perspective in the face of widespread social fear.

Fear as Emotion

Fear is a powerful and complex emotion that can significantly influence both society and individual lives. It has evolutionary roots designed to protect us from danger, but in modern contexts, it can have a wide range of consequences.

Fear in Society

1. Social Control and Politics:

   - Manipulation and Control: Governments and political groups can use fear to influence public opinion and behaviour. For example, fear of terrorism, crime, or economic instability can lead to increased support for policies that promise security, sometimes at the expense of civil liberties.

   - Polarization: Fear can drive societal divisions by amplifying differences and fostering distrust among groups. This can lead to increased polarization, where people align more strongly with those who share their views and become more hostile towards those who do not.

2. Economic Impact:

   - Consumer Behaviour: Fear can affect consumer confidence and spending. During times of economic uncertainty, people may save more and spend less, which can slow economic growth.

   - Investment: Fear in financial markets, often manifesting as panic selling, can lead to significant economic downturns. Fear of inflation, recession, or market volatility can cause investors to pull out of markets, exacerbating economic issues.

3. Public Health:

   - Response to Health Crises: Fear can lead to both positive and negative responses to health crises. For instance, fear of disease can encourage individuals to adopt healthy behaviours, such as vaccination and sanitation. However, it can also lead to stigma, discrimination, and misinformation, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fear in Personal Life

1. Mental and Physical Health:

   - Stress and Anxiety: Chronic fear can lead to long-term stress and anxiety disorders. This, in turn, can affect physical health, contributing to conditions such as cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal problems, and weakened immune systems.

   - Avoidance and Isolation: Fear can cause individuals to avoid certain activities, places, or people, leading to social isolation and a reduced quality of life.

2. Decision Making and Behaviour:

   - Risk Aversion: Fear can make people overly cautious and risk-averse, potentially hindering personal growth and opportunities. This might manifest as reluctance to change jobs, start a business, or engage in new relationships.

   - Procrastination: Fear of failure or criticism can lead to procrastination and avoidance behaviour, impacting productivity and personal achievements.

3. Relationships:

   - Trust Issues: Fear, particularly stemming from past traumas or insecurities, can affect personal relationships. It can lead to trust issues, jealousy, and communication problems.

   - Conflict: Fear can also lead to defensive behaviours and misunderstandings in relationships, escalating conflicts and potentially leading to breakdowns in communication and connection.


 Mitigating the Effects of Fear

1.  Education and Awareness:

   - Increasing public awareness about the nature and effects of fear can help mitigate its impact. Educational programs that promote critical thinking and emotional intelligence can empower individuals to manage their fears more effectively.

2. Mental Health Support:

   - Access to mental health resources, such as counseling and therapy, can help individuals address and manage their fears. Normalizing conversations about mental health can reduce the stigma and encourage more people to seek help.

3. Community and Social Support:

   - Strong community networks and social support systems can help individuals feel safer and more secure. Building inclusive and supportive communities can reduce the fear of social isolation and promote collective well-being. 

4. Positive Leadership:

   - Leaders who promote transparency, empathy, and trust can help alleviate societal fears. Effective communication and compassionate policies can build public confidence and reduce the manipulation of fear for political or economic gain.



Fear is an inherent part of human experience, but its consequences can be profound in both societal and personal contexts. Understanding the mechanisms of fear and implementing strategies to address it can lead to healthier, more resilient individuals and societies. By fostering education, mental health support, community building, and positive leadership, we can mitigate the negative impacts of fear and harness its potential to drive positive change. 

Your comments are welcome


Sunday, April 28, 2024



                                                                  MAY 2024 BLOG – REFELECTIONS YARO


                                                                              WAR ON WARS

Dear Reader,

The month of May is the month of Mother’s day that gave us all birth and Gia day or the great Mother Earth that gives us all the living beauty we call Nature. And yet, as we examine, in the daily news, the human events are far from beautiful. The wars, the chaos and misery that many people on Earth are suffering make us feel depressed and anxious about the future.

We may realistically ask: Why are humans in love with wars? Since the beginnings of humanity, we can easily count the many and frequent wars and destruction. Leaders of the world (good or bad) constantly declare wars like: “war on poverty”, “war on terror”, “war on the bad economy” etc. Then we faced the many wars like Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, and Hamas and now war in Ukraine.

The so called “great” world wars, war one and war two, promised the end of all wars and yet, as we know from the above list, in all these wars no lessons have been learned only destruction and wars did not stop and continue in various countries and damage populations of young and old.

Therefore, in my view, let us all adopt the “peaceful warrior” role and together celebrate GAIA – our Mother Earth. This is what Michael Meade (my Mentor) promotes in all his talks and podcasts. Embrace Earth and Love all humans. So, what is Earth Day?

Earth Day

Originally, the Vedas existed in the form of chants and hymns with the root sound Om being the original tone emitted from the womb of the cosmos. The potent chant known as the Gayatri Mantra was considered the first hymn to come forth from the root sound Om. Thus, Gaya or Gaia whether in sound, in image or in name brings a long lineage that echoes back to the origins of life and resonates with the hidden unity of the world. In that sense, there was something truly intuitive in the idea of using the name Gaia in a modern attempt to revive the sense of the world being a living entity and all of life being secretly interconnected.

On one level Gaia stands for the Great Mother of all. On another level she appears as the common ground, the Earth we tread upon, the soil we dig, both as garden and as cemetery. As the mother of all, Gaia is both womb and tomb, she excludes nothing from the tapestry of life as the great multiplicity of plants, animals and human beings appears as a secret totality. When the world becomes divided against itself and life on earth seems threatened, it is this underlying unity of soul and the relationship between the individual and the whole that is trying to be rediscovered.

The loss of the Earth as a living, supportive body and as the ever-living source of creation has left us cosmologically dislocated, psychologically bereft, and literally unsettled within ourselves. Having, in a sense fallen out of the story and song of creation, we live in a growing separation from the inherent beauty and underlying unity of life. In such a bereft condition, it is the agony of Gaia, the suffering of the Earth itself that tries to call us back to a sense of being secretly connected to the living roots of creation.

The loss of the wholeness and sacredness at the center of life is part of the history of the Earth. And each time creation needs to renew itself Gaia plays her essential, archetypal role as source of knowledge and mother of all. To experience Gaia as a genuine living presence, we need to connect with the core imagination that rests at the center of our own hearts and souls. In doing that, we can also tap deep inner resources that are not just reassuring to ourselves, but that are also necessary for healing and renewal on Earth at this time.

Celebrating Earth Day is a wonderful way to show appreciation for our planet and promote environmental awareness. Here are some ways and means to celebrate Earth Day:

  • Organize a Community Cleanup: Gather friends, family, or local organizations to clean up a park, beach, or neighbourhood. Make it fun by turning it into a friendly competition or offering prizes for the most trash collected.

  • ·          Plant Trees or a Community Garden: Planting trees helps combat climate change by absorbing CO2. You can also start a community garden to promote local food production and green spaces.

  • ·          Educational Workshops: Host workshops or seminars about sustainability, recycling, composting, or energy conservation. Invite experts or local environmental organizations to share their knowledge.

  • ·        Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Encourage people to reduce waste by using reusable bags, bottles, and containers. Set up recycling stations at public events or in your community to make recycling easier.

  • ·         Nature Walks or Hikes: Organize guided nature walks or hikes to appreciate the beauty of the natural world. Share information about local flora, fauna, and ecosystems along the way.

  • ·          Switch to Sustainable Practices: Encourage people to switch to eco-friendly habits like using energy-efficient appliances, carpooling or using public transportation, and opting for renewable energy sources.

  • ·          Art and Music Events: Host art exhibitions, music concerts, or film screenings with environmental themes to inspire creativity and raise awareness.

  • ·          Support Environmental Causes: Raise funds or volunteer for environmental organizations working on conservation, wildlife protection, or climate action.

  • ·          Reduce Plastic Use: Organize campaigns to reduce single-use plastics in your community, such as plastic bags, straws, and bottles. Promote alternatives like reusable bags and water bottles.

  • ·          Promote Sustainable Eating: Encourage plant-based diets, support local farmers' markets, and educate about the environmental impact of food choices.

  • ·          Clean Energy Initiatives: Advocate for clean energy policies and support renewable energy projects in your area.

  • ·           Engage Schools and Youth: Collaborate with schools to organize eco-themed activities, workshops, or competitions. Engage youth in environmental stewardship projects like tree planting or recycling drives.

  • ·          Connect with Nature: Encourage people to spend time outdoors, whether it's gardening, hiking, bird watching, or simply enjoying a picnic in a natural setting.

  • ·          Spread Awareness: Use social media, posters, or community events to spread awareness about environmental issues, sustainable living tips, and Earth Day initiatives.

Remember, every small action counts, and collective efforts can make a significant impact in protecting our planet for future generations.

The consequences resulting of neglect is not dependent on who is right but who is left on this planet.







Sunday, March 31, 2024



Recent history has been marked by a series of chaotic events across the globe, spanning political, social, environmental, and economic domains. Here are some examples:

1. COVID-19 Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, emerged in late 2019 and rapidly spread worldwide, leading to widespread illness, death, economic disruption, and social upheaval. The pandemic overwhelmed healthcare systems, triggered lockdowns and travel restrictions, and sparked debates over public health measures and vaccination efforts.

2. Political Turmoil: Various regions have experienced political instability and upheaval, with protests, revolutions, and conflicts erupting. Examples include the protests in Hong Kong against Chinese government influence, the ongoing civil war in Syria, political unrest in Belarus following disputed elections, and the coup d'état in Myanmar.

3. Climate Change: The impacts of climate change have intensified, leading to more frequent and severe natural disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes, floods, and heatwaves. These events have caused widespread destruction, displacement of communities, loss of biodiversity, and economic damage, fueling debates over climate action and environmental policies.

4. Cybersecurity Threats: Cyberattacks have become increasingly sophisticated and prevalent, targeting governments, businesses, and individuals. High-profile cyber incidents, including ransomware attacks on critical infrastructure, data breaches, and social media manipulation, have raised concerns about cybersecurity and digital privacy.

5. Social Unrest and Inequality: Societal divisions, exacerbated by economic inequality, racial injustice, and political polarization, have fueled protests, riots, and civil unrest in many countries. Issues such as police brutality, systemic racism, and economic disparity have prompted calls for social justice reforms and sparked debates about the role of government and law enforcement.

6. Geopolitical Tensions: Geopolitical tensions between nations have escalated, driven by competition for resources, territorial disputes, and ideological differences. Conflicts and diplomatic standoffs have arisen in various regions, including the tensions between the United States and China, Russia's annexation of Crimea, and ongoing war with Ukraine and conflicts in the Middle East.

7. Technological Disruption: Rapid advancements in technology, including artificial intelligence, automation, and biotechnology, have disrupted industries, reshaped economies, and raised ethical concerns. Debates over data privacy, digital surveillance, and the ethical implications of emerging technologies have intensified.

These chaotic events reflect the complex challenges facing the world in the 21st century, underscoring the need for global cooperation, effective governance, and innovative solutions to address pressing issues and promote stability and progress.

All of the above events have created much anxiety and fear in many people who are not familiar with some of the theoretical aspects of Chaos Theory. Here are some examples of such reactions we may experience:This theory has emerged out of the studies of the unpredictability of weather.  The ‘crazy’ and unpredictable patterns of clouds, winds etc, gave scientists a major discovery: that there order underlying chaos. 
From all this chaos we experience a desire to organize our life by many ways if we do not have some order in life we feel a sense of anxiety that scientists say originates in our limbic or animal brain, a small brain that has the capacity to insure that we survive in times of danger. We fight, escape, or play dead or become immobile. However, in our modern society, such basic animal instincts do not serve us to deal with the complexities of life and the human brain then develops all sorts of “protections” to feel safe in times of danger (either imaginary or real) The discovery of Chaos theory has brought a clearer understanding of how to deal effectively with anxious states.

According to Chaos Theory, if you expand the context (field) far enough, in other words stay in process, you will find a definite new order in the chaos. If you allow the ‘disturbing’ energy to flow it will re-order by itself and a new or novel order will reveal itself out of the disturbance. This process in Gestalt therapy is called CREATIVE ADJUSTMENT.


Therefore, what we call anxiety, the chaos theorists call THE UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE. Nothing in life is certain. All life is changing and flowing. In this sense, we experience very small changes every day and the accumulating process of change will eventually create a major shift or a major problem/crisis. This phenomenon is called the butterfly effect.

 Managing uncertainty may be an effective way of dealing with anxiety states emerging from the field. However, most of anxiety we experience is managed in ways that are not always useful and need more flexibility. Here is an example of ways people manage their anxiety.


The Dabbler – (anxiety to complete a task) This person may begin with great enthusiasm, commitment to something new and exciting is foremost. However, the high energy of the ‘fore play’ soon looses its value and the man begins to judge the effort as ‘too hard’, ‘not good enough, any time’ and so on. Then he begins to search for a new high. Deflector.


The Obsessive – (anxiety to have everything right) He wants the ‘best possible’ deal. He takes on tasks, duties, books, tapes and videos to keep on ‘learning’ obsessively. He will not be able to tolerate a ‘plateau’ but pushes himself to the limit. His goal is action, action until gets totally exhausted and then withdraws. Retroflector.


The Path of Least Resistance – (anxiety to be independent or self sufficient) He is willing to maintain the momentum and stay at the plateau indefinitely. He thinks he can ‘skip’ certain stages of development and go on. He does only enough to maintain a semblance of work with the minimum of effort. Under further pressure, he runs away. Confluence or Desensitization


    The Path of Endless Climaxes – (anxiety to make a commitment) this is a very common ego trip. This person follows the idea that life must be one climax after another. All is “out there” - Fast sports, bungee jumping, parachuting, getting to the ‘top’ first, quickie love affairs and so on. Finally there comes burn out, depression due to stress and loss of energy. Retentive or projector.


   The way of the “shouldist”  - To be the best person possible  

    Introjector   -    Believe and follow what ever "they" told you as THE TRUTH    


The above examples are not meant to be the answers to dealing with anxiety states but are ways to understand the processes of searching for solutions and gestalt therapy is most effective as Fritz Perls, the father of Gestalt therapy said: ANXIETY IS CONTACT WITHOUT BREATH…..and lack of oxygen to the brain creates a fear of dying.





Wednesday, February 28, 2024



Alexei Navalny - SACRIFICE


The concept of "sacrifice" holds different meanings in the realms of human relationships and politics.

  • In Human Relationships: Personal Sacrifice: In interpersonal relationships, sacrifice often refers to an individual willingly giving up something for the benefit of others. This could be one's time, personal desires, or even material possessions. It is often seen as a selfless act aimed at nurturing the well-being of others, demonstrating care, and building stronger connections.

  • Compromise: Sacrifice in relationships may also involve compromise, where individuals make concessions for the sake of harmony and mutual understanding. This could involve finding middle ground on differing opinions or adjusting personal preferences to accommodate the needs and desires of others.

  • Emotional Sacrifice: Emotional sacrifice in relationships may entail putting aside personal emotions or needs to support a partner, friend, or family member during challenging times. It reflects a commitment to the overall health and happiness of the relationship.

  • In Politics: National Interest: In politics, sacrifice is often associated with the greater good of the nation or community. Leaders may make decisions that involve personal or collective sacrifice to advance the well-being of the larger population. This could include economic policies, security measures, or diplomatic actions.

  • Leadership Sacrifice: Political leaders may be called upon to make personal sacrifices for the benefit of their country. This could involve risking their own safety, reputation, or popularity to make decisions that align with the long-term interests of the nation.

  • Social Sacrifice: Political movements or revolutions may require sacrifices from individuals for the sake of social change. Activists, for instance, may endure personal hardships or put themselves at risk to advocate for political, social, or economic reforms.

In this blog I am reflecting about the great Sacrifice how the Russian Opposition leader has contributed not only to the people of Russia but to the whole world and I note that his death is not in vain, and his spirit will live forever.


NAVLNY:    June 1976 – 16 February 2024) was a Russian opposition leader, lawyer, anti-corruption activist, and political prisoner. He organised anti-government demonstrations and ran for office to advocate reforms against corruption in Russia and against President Vladimir Putin and his government. Navalny was founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK). He was recognised by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience and was awarded the Sakharov Prize for his work on human rights.

Through his social media channels, Navalny and his team published material about corruption in Russia, organised political demonstrations and promoted his campaigns. In a 2011 radio interview, he described Russia's ruling party, United Russia, as a "party of crooks and thieves", which became a popular epithet. Navalny and the FBK have published investigations detailing alleged corruption by high-ranking Russian officials and their associates.

Navalny twice received a suspended sentence for embezzlement, in 2013 and 2014. Both criminal cases were widely considered politically motivated and intended to bar him from running in future elections. He ran in the 2013 Moscow mayoral election and came in second with 27% of the vote but was barred from running in the 2018 presidential election.

In August 2020, Navalny was hospitalised in serious condition after being poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent. He was medically evacuated to Berlin and discharged a month later. Navalny accused Putin of being responsible for his poisoning, and an investigation implicated agents from the Federal Security Service. In January 2021, Navalny returned to Russia and was immediately detained on accusations of violating parole conditions while he was hospitalised in Germany. Following his arrest, mass protests were held across Russia. In February 2021, his suspended sentence was replaced with a prison sentence of over two and a half years' detention, and his organisations were later designated as extremist and liquidated. In March 2022, Navalny was sentenced to an additional nine years in prison after being found guilty of embezzlement and contempt of court in a new trial described as a sham by Amnesty International; his appeal was rejected and in June, he was transferred to a high-security prison. In August 2023, Navalny was sentenced to an additional 19 years in prison on extremism charges.

In December 2023, Navalny went missing from prison for almost three weeks. He re-emerged in an Arctic Circle corrective colony in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. On 16 February 2024, the Russian prison service reported that Navalny had died at the age of 47. His death sparked protests, both in Russia and in various other countries. Accusations against the Russian authorities in connection with his death have been made by Western governments and international organisations.

Another article by Quilette:

Monday, January 29, 2024



Painting by Martin Prechtel

Dear reader,

In the world as we know it today, full of conflicts, sufferings and so on, it is enough for most people to feel depressed, sad, and helpless. But what is needed, urgently is, for the more courageous, to be more proactive. This means to be able to praise the many suffering and dying and not to praise those who sit and feel good for being shut off and hide from the truth.

But in the collective human soul, there is a profound radiance where individuals are coming out and conquer the banal disappointments about the future and pretend that all is OK and that  there is no need to suffer grief all the time. That is not necessary. Others tend to avoid the pain of being compromised and ridiculed by the heartless and hide their grief.

It is necessary to show the courage to BE and to imagine what would be needed to create a soul that is that shines more light. It is necessary to inspire the heart and join others in the experience of grieving. Inspiration is that light to the world indicating as to what it means to be human and to taste the freedom and capacity to participate in a culture that has the courage to speak up. Each one of us is a “nation” - we are a Nation under ourselves and as a Nation, meaning a soul, we do have the power to create change.

I am inspired by the great shaman MARTIN PRCHTEL. This is how he is described by others:

 “Inspiring hope, solace, and courage in living through our losses, author Martin Prechtel, trained in the Tzutujil Maya shamanic tradition, shares profound insights on the relationship between grief and praise in our culture--how the inability that many of us must grieve and weep properly for the dead is deeply linked with the inability to give praise for living. In modern society, grief is something that we usually experience in private, alone, and without the support of a community. Yet, as Prechtel says: 

"Grief expressed out loud for someone we have lost, or a country or home we have lost, is in itself the greatest praise we could ever give them. Grief is praise, because it is the natural way love honours what it misses."

Prechtel explains that the unexpressed grief prevalent in our society today is the reason for many of the social, cultural, and individual maladies that we are currently experiencing. According to Prechtel:

 "When you have two centuries of people who have not properly grieved the things that they have lost, the grief shows up as ghosts that inhabit their grandchildren.

These "ghosts," he says, can also manifest as disease in the form of tumours, which the Maya refer to as "solidified tears," or in the form of behavioural issues and depression. He goes on to show how this collective, unexpressed energy is the long-held grief of our ancestors manifesting itself, and the work that can be done to liberate this energy so we can heal from the trauma of loss, war, and suffering.

I am in tune with the story of how Martin learned through LOVE. He states:

“Love is always a matter of learning how to live in an unknown land. It is not just translation or about being secure in what one knows, but about learning how to give a true gift to what one loves by learning what it loves. Love is always about learning the Nature of things.”

He adds:

“Because the world is a boundless compendium of stories told in as many languages as there are things to know, the language of galaxies, of rocks, the languages of weathers, plants, and rivers, languages of animal and human cultures, I have never understood knowledge as a finite possession but more like a corral of wild language horses, with an ongoing responsibility to sustain and maintain them, upon whose unruly backs we must learn to ride; sometimes into the heart of twelve layers of holy stone, or into the heart of an old Jewish steel vendor in Armenia, or into the language of the tears of the Divine Female whose ever-birthing womb is a mouth that speaks this natural teeming earth and universe into tangibility at every present moment.”

I must say that Martin has inspired me to be able to recognise my own Soul learning in the many years as therapist and teacher at the university of Queensland, Australia. I both heard and told stories to many students and also involved in Men groups and am still enabling and supporting Australian military veterans and their wives in counselling sessions.

I highly recommend his books and particularly his book on GRIEF AND PRAISE. This is what we all need to study and practice NOW!

 “The Smell of Rain on Dust: Grief and Praise” Here is a short description:

Inspiring hope, solace, and courage in living through our losses, author Martín Prechtel, trained in the Tzutujil Maya shamanic tradition, shares profound insights on the relationship between grief and praise—how the inability that many of us must grieve and weep properly for the dead is deeply linked with the inability to give praise for living. In modern society, grief is something that we usually experience in private, alone, and without the support of a community. Yet, as Prechtel says, “Grief expressed out loud for someone we have lost, or a country or home we have lost, is in itself the greatest praise we could ever give them. Grief is praise because it is the natural way love honours what it misses.”


Drawing by Martin Prechtel" -  Grief and Praise

Friday, December 29, 2023




 Dear Reader,


I am reflecting on the past year and the events that were special for the world and for all humanity. I am not repeating here the many bad and good things that we all lived through and probably will live in the same way in 2024, but I am, more interested here, is to promote a sense of self reflection as individuals  that are living in the here and now.

My title for this blog is: REINVENT YOURSELF AND YOUR LIFE. Some people may say to you: “why bother? You are OK, and if you attempt a change, the result may be perilous” Then I may say: “Why not? What is the worst that can happen? Take a risk and grow!”

So, I am suggesting here a process that is rather simple if you take the suggestions and do your own thing. The task has two parts: one is a mental shift process, and the other is a body wellness process.

Mental shift process: It is well known by many therapies and cognitive skills to enhance your mind, that all people have a hooked or blocked lifestyle pattern called TRAPS. Here are some “traps” you may study and find the one you may be hooked to:

1.       * Are you constantly drawn to relate to relationships that are toxic?  

2.      *  Do you often feel unloved?

3.       * Are you a helper type that helps others and not yourself?

4.       * Are you being paranoid regarding disease? Any sore throat makes you feel like running to a doctor?

5.       * Even if you are successful in your job and other things, do you feel unhappy an unfulfilled in life?


In order to stimulate your own reflections, be free here and now to imagine that one of those aspects written below are some of the traps you may be experiencing:


·         Abandonment - this may have its roots in early childhood where you have developed a feeling that your parents have abandoned you and you were left alone without any attention.

·         Dependence - it is a process of attachment to others based on the above abandonment and you feel constantly in need to depend on others no matter how capable you may be as an adult.

·         Mistrust - it's also a history of your early childhood where you may have been abused physically or mentally as you were growing up, so you developed lack of trust as an adult.

·         Vulnerability - you may feel that some major disaster may happen anytime to you.

·         Emotional deprivation - the feeling that you will never get emotional support from others.

·         Social exclusion - a feeling of isolation from others like family or groups.

·         Personal defensiveness - a feeling that something is seriously flawed in you, and that you are incapable of managing.

·         Failure- “I believe that I am incapable to succeed, school, work, or sports”. As a child you were made to feel that you are inferior to others in the family

·         Victim - you feel that you are sacrificing yourself for others without any rewards.

·         Perfectionism - is an obsession that you are not perfect, and you have high expectations of yourself and high standards impossible to achieve.

·         Being special - you feel you deserve everything from others because you are very special and can do anything you wish.

·         Grandiosity - a belief that you and no one else is special and you deserve all the attention from others.

Now, if you have recognised one or more of those patterns that you are living now, be aware that most if not all of those patterns have been learned in childhood as you were growing up within your family environment. How your parents lived and loved you, and understand how those patterns were imposed on you, and how you swallowed those behavioural patterns and now you feel they're part of your life.  If you understand these life pattern/traps, you will note that there are three aspects present: 1: that they are lifelong themes. 2: they are self-destructive to you. 3: they struggle for survival or hold on to you for most of your life unless you become aware and change.

To make a shift from those patterns learned early in life, we must first become aware of them and how they are self-destructive to your ongoing growth and development as an adult. What you need to develop is taking a risk and experience, among other things, basic safety rules, develop emotional strengths with others and create a lifestyle of self-well-being.

Michael Meade, my mentor for many, many years, inspires me to develop a lifestyle by listening to his mythological stories that help me open myself to powerful themes for my journey through life and write memoirs about my journey as an ongoing experience.


These days, there is a very popular trend to relax your mind called MINDFULLNESS. What is needed also is a way to care for your body and I am suggesting that you experiment with the following:

1.       *Eat mainly plant-based food and products.

2.       *Aim for a relatively ‘normal’ or healthy weight. (Check out the book: EAT – STOP – EAT.)

3.       *Exercise regularly or at least walk for 30 minutes or more each day.

4.       *Do not smoke and keep the alcohol content low when enjoying wine.

5.       *Make social connections regularly.

In conclusion, the way to change and shift and grow is not easy as mentioned above. Yet, I am proposing here a way you may start your journey to self-awareness and personal development. Explore the following resources:

-                        Create a personal vision for yourself

          Develop an empathic self-confrontation like looking in a mirror and sharing with yourself alone.

-                          Enlisting the help of others

-                          Selecting a therapist, preferably a gestalt therapist


We shall not cease from exploration.

 And the end of all our exploring

will be to arrive where we started

and know the place for the first time - here and now.



Here are some very useful articles' by Caroline   Myss


And here some questions for the Neu Year's reflections