Saturday, April 30, 2022







Dear Reader,

I am reflecting on the topic that celebrates EARTH DAY. I cannot imagine a more appropriate topic for all of us. In these days of global crises like the invasion of Russia on Ukraine and devastating the whole country, the Covid pandemic crisis that is still raging in some countries like China, and the most devastating crisis is the destruction of the planet Earth by human development. 

As a gestalt therapist, I am constantly practicing AWARENESS – HERE AND NOW. That practice is not only a theory but a real experience that we all can practice every minute of our day.

Having practice the experience of AWARENESS, I find that  all ideas, information and insights emerge as if from a deep pool of knowledge. To be more specific, I have discovered at least three sources, that I know of people that inspired me while their ideas just appeared for me recently in some writings and podcasts. They are: Matt Belcher, Carlos Castaneda and Wayne Dwyer. All three authors were in my library for many years and only this week, I found them in my hands as I was looking for my May reflections to write this blog. All authors have inspired me (again) in reflecting about EARTH DAY.

When we observe our planet, be it from a telescope, an image of a TV report, we see a shining globe just floating in space. Few people, busy with daily work and life challenges, stop and reflect what is this planet and why is it floating like a spaceship populated by millions of manifestations?

So, I do not have any answers but do relate to the three writers that inspired me to reflect on this topic. The essence of what I discovered by reading and reflecting is the word INTENT.

All three authors, in their own manner, have discovered this phenomenon, but in their own specific way. Matt wrote a small book that is entitled: THE LITTLE BOOK OF BIG CHANGE; Carlos Castaneda, THE TEACHINGS OF DON JUAN (he also authored several books on the theme of INTENT from a Mexican sorcerer); and Wayne Dyer THE ESSENTIAL COLLECTION.

In summary, Don Juan the Yaki sorcerer, states that we humans are not aware of the endless possibilities we must and can create. The key is INTENT. “In awareness the energy fields of the Universe are in sync with the human self.” This manifesting all of abundance.

Wayne Dyer writes with amazing clarity, and I am going to quote from his book. I suggest you read it!

Wayne Dyer - The Seven Faces of Intention


1.The face of creativity. The first of the seven faces of intention is the creative expression of the power of intention that designed us, got us here, and created an environment that’s compatible with our needs. The power of intention must be creative, or nothing would come into existence. It seems to me that this is an irrefutable truth about intention/spirit because its purpose is to bring life into existence in a suitable environment. Why do I conclude that the life-giving power of intention intends us to have life, and have it in increasing abundance? Because, if the opposite were true, life as we know it couldn’t come into form. The very fact that we can breathe, and experience life is proof to me that the nature of the life-giving Spirit is creative at its core. This may seem obvious to you, or in fact it may appear confusing, or even irrelevant. But what is clear is: You are here in your physical body; there was a time when you were an embryo, before that a seed, and before that formless energy. That formless energy contained intention, which brought you from nowhere to now here. At the very highest levels of awareness, intention started you on a path toward your destiny. The face of creativity intends you toward continued creativity to create and co-create anything that you direct your power of intention toward. Creative energy is a part of you; it originates in the life-giving Spirit that intends you.

2. The face of kindness. Any power that has, as its inherent nature, the need to create and convert energy into physical form must also be a kindly power. Again, I’m deducing this from the opposite. If the all-giving power of intention had at its core the desire to be unkind, malevolent, or hurtful, then creation itself would be impossible. The moment unkind energy became form, the lifegiving Spirit would be destroyed. Instead, the power of intention has a face of kindness. It is kind energy intending what it’s creating to flourish and grow, and to be happy and fulfilled. Our existence is proof to me of the kindness of intention. Choosing to be kind is a choice to have the power of intention active in your life. The positive effect of kindness on the immune system and on the increased production of serotonin in the brain has been proven in research studies. Serotonin is a naturally occurring substance in the body that makes us feel more comfortable, peaceful, and even blissful. In fact, the role of most antidepressants is to stimulate the production of serotonin chemically, helping to ease depression. Research has shown that a simple act of kindness directed toward another improves the functioning of the immune system and stimulates the production of serotonin in both the recipient of the kindness and the person extending the kindness. Even more amazing is that persons observing the act of kindness have similar beneficial results. Imagine this! Kindness extended, received, or observed beneficially impacts the physical health and feelings of everyone involved! Both the face of kindness and the face of creativity are smiling here.

3. The face of love. The third of the seven faces of intention is the face of love. That there’s a life-giving nature inherent in the power of intention is an irrefutable conclusion. What would we name this quality that encourages, enhances, and supports all of life, if not love? It’s the prime moving power of the Universal Spirit of intent. As Ralph Waldo Emerson put it: “Love is our highest word and the synonym for God.” The energy field of intention is pure love resulting in a nurturing and totally cooperative environment. Judgment, anger, hate, fear, or prejudice won’t thrive here. So, were we able to actually see this field, we’d see creativity and kindness in an endless field of love. We entered the physical world of boundaries and beginnings through the universal force field of pure love. This face of intention that is an expression of love wishes only for us to flourish and grow and become all that we’re capable of becoming. When we’re not in harmony with the energy of love, we’ve moved away from intention and weakened our ability to activate intention through the expression of love.

Thoughts and emotions are pure energy, some higher and faster than others. When higher energies occupy the same field as lower energies, the lower energies convert to higher energies. A simple example of this is a darkened room that has lower energy than a room bathed in light. Since light moves faster than non-light, when a candle is brought into a dark room, the darkness not only dissolves and disappears, but it seems magically converted into light. The same is true of love, which is a higher/faster energy than the energy of hate.

4. The face of beauty. The fourth of my seven faces of intention is the face of beauty. What else could a creative, kind, and loving expression be, other than beautiful? Why would the organizing intelligence of intention ever elect to manifest into form anything that’s repugnant to itself? Obviously, it wouldn’t. So, we can conclude that the nature of intention has an eternal interaction of love and beauty and add the expression of beauty to the face of a creative, kind, loving power of intention. John Keats, the brilliant young romantic poet, concludes his Ode on a Grecian Urn with: “’Beauty is truth, truth beauty,’ that is all/ Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” Obviously, truth exists in the creation of everything. It’s true that it shows up here in form. It’s now here in a form that’s an expression of the invisible creative power.

5. The face of expansion. The elemental nature of life is to increase and seek more and more expression. If we could sharply focus on the faces of intention, we’d be startled. I imagine that one of the faces we’d see is a continuously expanding expression of the power of intention. The nature of this creative spirit is always operating to expand. Spirit is a forming power. It has the principle of increase, meaning that life continues to expand toward more life. Life as we know it originates from formless intention. Therefore, one of the faces of intention looks like something that’s eternally evolving. It might look like a tiny speck in a continuous state of duplicating itself, and then enlarging itself, and then moving forward, all the while continuing its expansion and expression.

6. The face of unlimited abundance. This sixth face of intention is an expression of something that has no boundaries, is everywhere at once, and is endlessly abundant. It’s not just huge, it never stops. This marvellous gift of abundance is what you were created from. Thus, you too share this in the expression of your life. You’re actually fulfilling the law of abundance. These gifts are given freely and fully to you just as the air, the sun, the water, and the atmosphere are provided in unlimited abundance for you. From the time of your earliest memories, you probably were taught to think in terms of limitations. My property starts here. Yours over there. So, we build fences to mark our boundaries. But ancient explorers gave us an awareness of the world as potentially endless. Even more ancient astronomers pushed back our beliefs about an immense dome-shaped ceiling covering the earth.

What all this means is that there are no limits to our potential as people, as collective entities, and as individuals. This is largely true because we emanate from the unlimited abundance of intention. If the face of the power of intention is unlimited abundance, then we can know that our potential for manifestation and attracting anything into our lives is the same. The face of abundance has absolutely no limits. Imagine the vastness of the resources from which all objects are created. Then consider the one resource that stands above all others. This would be your mind and the collective mind of humankind. Where does your mind begin and end? What are its boundaries? Where is it located? More important, where is it not located? Is it born with you, or is it present before your conception? Does it die with you? What colour is it?

7. The face of receptivity. This is how I imagine the seventh face, the receptive face of intention. It’s simply receptive to all. No one and no thing is rejected by the receptive face of intention. It welcomes everyone and every living thing, without judgment—never granting the power of intention to some and withholding it from others. The receptive face of intention means to me that all of nature is waiting to be called into action. We only need to be willing to recognize and receive. Intention can’t respond to you if you fail to recognize it. If you see chance and coincidence governing your life and the world, then the universal mind of intention will appear to you as nothing but an amalgamation of forces devoid of any order or power.

The face of receptivity smiles on me, as what I need flows to me from the Source, and the Source is receptive to my tapping into it to co-create books, speeches, videos, audios, and anything else that I’ve been fortunate enough to have on my résumé. By being receptive, I’m in harmony with the power of intention of the universal creative force.





Friday, April 1, 2022




Dear reader,


I am writing this on April Fool’s day and everyone knows that this is the day where people “fool” others with pranks.



April Fools’ Day is widely celebrated in Odessa and has the special local name Humorina – in Ukrainian Гуморина (Humorina). This holiday arose in 1973. An April Fool prank is revealed by the saying  which means “April the First, I trust nobody” – to the recipient. The festival includes a large parade in the city centre, free concerts, street fairs and performances. Festival participants dress up in a variety of costumes and walk around the city fooling around and pranking passers-by. One of the traditions on April Fools’ Day is to dress up the main city monument in funny clothes. During the festival, special souvenirs bearing the logo are printed and sold everywhere. Since 2010, April Fools’ Day celebrations include an International Clown Festival, and both celebrated as one. In 2019, the festival was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Odessa Film Studio and all events were held with an emphasis on cinema.

And then came the greatest “Fool” – the Russian PUTIN who attacked Ukraine in February 2022. Here no one was fooled nor trusted Putin. And now the reality of this man as leader, is discussed all over the world. So, this blog is a reflection about the evil character that depicts Putin as a psychopath and deranged man.

A definition of psychopath

Psychopathic individuals do not show regret and remorse. This was thought to be due to an inability to generate this emotion in response to negative outcomes. However, in 2016, people with antisocial personality disorder and dissocial personality disorder were found to experience regret but did not use the regret to guide their choice in behaviour. There was no lack of regret but a problem to think through a range of potential actions and estimating the outcome values. (Wikipedia)

Those who study leadership will note that in times of crisis, the false leader will want and demand more power. Putin emerged as a false leader and started to take over a peaceful country – Ukraine.

His attempt to be all powerful and create history the way he wants it, has produced huge damage not only to Ukraine but to all of Europe. He is manifesting a high state of narcissism and psychopathy and that makes him to disregard any suffering because he only has self-interest and control in mind.

When the good leader does not sacrifice himself for others, others must suffer by being sacrificed by him. Putin harbours great delusions of grandeur (his inner circle call him (”Zar”) as a history making leader, and therefore is obsessed about winning at all costs. However, beneath this enormous Ego hides a great feeling of inadequacy and a deep sense of inferiority. He is hiding his fragility and a deep sense of internal weakness as a man. Any slight protest against Putin and his government quickly creates arrests and sending thousands to the Gulag internment camps.


The self-worth of a psychopath calls upon treating any encounter as a must win because loosing means total self-obliteration. Despite their exaggerated show of power, psychopaths refuse to accept the possibility that they are wrong even with ample evidence that all can see the facts.

In the case of Ukraine, Putin showed a typical reaction of a psychopath, he visualized a ‘united' Russia that included several countries, but Ukraine was the showcase of his attempt to conquer and win.

The Ukrainians are standing up to the enemy with admirable valour, but the cards are not stacked in their favour. Russian military planning might have been wrong in assuming that Ukraine would fold after a minor, light-touch “incursion.” If an easy military victory and a sustainable occupation overseen by a Kremlin-appointed satrap are out of reach, Russia’s firepower and the regime’s disregard for human life remain real. If Putin cannot turn Ukraine into a part of his demented dream of a new Russian world, he still has the capacity to reach for a second-best outcome by turning the country into rubble.

Time heals every wound and time will be telling the world what will be the next historical move and such moves are revealed in ancient stories.

I am now recalling an ancient story from India told by Michael Mead, my Mentor and mythologist. The story comes from the ancient VEDAS that are teaching and healing stories. Their medicine called AYURVEDA is one of the most effective medical practices dating back thousands of years.

As we enter a period in history where the so-called democracies are failing and autocratic leaders are emerging everywhere, this story teaches us to really understand the psychopath, the man of great hubris and enlarged ego. The story goes like this:


INDRA is a prototype of a great warrior and leader. He came to fight the great Dragon VITRA who at that time personified draught and the resulting bad consequences of lack of water. INDRA won the battle, and the country was refreshed with the water of life. After winning INDRA was exhilarated and very proud of his success. Therefore, he decided to celebrate his victory by building an enormous palace. He called upon the great architect of the gods and the building begun. Yet, no matter how grand a luxurious the palace became, INDRA was constantly dissatisfied and wanted more. More rooms, more patios, more gardens, walls etc. Having won the battle he constantly demanded more work to the point that people could not respond to his demands and were very tired and down.

Eventually, the exhausted architect sought the help of VISHNU, the god of all creation to intercede and stop the arrogance and power-hungry INDRA. VISHNU came in as a beggar boy and entered by the side door of the huge building. This took the great king INDRA by surprise as the boy began to speak about the matter of the cycles of life and time. A mere child spoke so wisely about how this word in its fullness works and then only to disappear again.

As INDRA listened to this boy, he noticed a procession of ants entered the great hall of the palace and slowly made their way between INDRA and the beggar boy. The boy looked at the ants and laughed out loud. INDRA did not understand what was so funny and became worried. The boy pointed at the procession of ants and explained that each ant was formerly an INDRA. Each ant won many great battles and ascended to great heights of power, and each rode the crest wave of history. Each had become victorious and then, at the end, a lowly ant. Each victory lasted only for a moment as if a blink of the eye.

INDRA was shocked and instantly forgot his great plans and wild designs in the presence of genuine knowledge. The boy, who was WISHNA himself, helped INDRA to awaken to his ego dreams and in his awakened state, INDRA decided to leave all the trappings of fame and grandiosity and went to live in a cave high in the Himalayan mountains.


I do not expect that Putin will be enlightened no matter what story or facts will come to him from all over the world, but we all can learn from the story – that there is hope and hope is eternal.